We Are:
- A Major Manufacturer of Quality Solvent Cements
- Specialized in This Area of the Plastic Pipe Industry
- Quality and Service Focused
- Third-party Tested and Certified by NSF
We Have:
- Developed Our Business Since 1964
- A Modern Plant Built Specifically to Manufacture Cements
- Grown With and Helped the Plastic Pipe Industry Grow
- Earned a Good Reputation for the Arrow Name
We Do:
- Offer You a Complete Line of Quality Solvent Cement Products
- Thoroughly Test Our Products to Exceed Industry Standards
- Maintain a Modern Testing Laboratory
- Support ASTM and PPFA to Assure Good Standards For You
We Pledge To:
- Supply You With the Best Products Possible
- Back You Up with Excellent Technical Service
- Provide the Individual Service You Require
- Work Efficiently and Fairly With You
- Assist You to Properly Use and/or Market Our Products